For over 100 continual years, 5 generations of the Cottee family have played a pivotal role in the global nutritional industry.
For over 100 continual years, 5 generations of the Cottee family have played a pivotal role in the global nutritional industry.
Our products are used extensively in the food health, nutraceutical, technical protein, industrial and retail markets.
Our proud Australian heritage affords us a privileged emphasis on Australian sourcing and manufacture, however our logistical capabilities are truly global. Flexibility is our forte, with an unmatched ability to fulfil any requirement within any marketplace.
To see how our expertise can work for you, please contact us here
Australia’s natural beauty is perfectly suited to Agricultural production. With an abundance of fertile land, stretching across nearly every climactic zone imaginable [from desert to rainforest], there are very few agricultural commodities that are not produced domestically, and all to the highest possible quality standards. Thanks to our natural isolation, as well as strict biosecurity and quarantine laws, our produce is also recognized as amongst the cleanest and safest in the world.
March 12, 2025 09:47 pm